Konsumierte alkoholische Getränke 2023 vs. 2024 in Excel [OC]

Von CatFoibles


  1. Wow.

    What’s your biggest takeaway from doing this?

    What do you miss? What do you not miss?

  2. 7+ drinks barely gets me drunk anymore. I may need to do one of these in 2025.

  3. Cynical_Tripster on

    Congrats mate. I quit drinking in early April of last year, quit rum Sept of ’23 and drank roughly 8 9.5% beers nightly thru April, and before that I was averaging 18-20 shots a night. Alcoholism is no fucking joke. Any takeaways from this? I’ve had a few rough days, especially work, where I wanted to go get plastered, but I had an edible instead.

  4. pocketdare on

    Impressive! Did you join a program or get help – or is this entirely on your own?

    btw – just guessing but it looks like you may have tried going sober in 2023 but it didn’t take, and if so, even more impressive that you gave it another go and made it stick in 2024!

  5. You’re inspiring me. How was it on January 1 to go from blackout to never touching again? I strive to have that willpower every day

  6. You beautiful bastard you did it. Congrats and good luck on similar results for 2025!

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