Regionale Mindestlohntrends in den USA (1970–2025) [oc]

    Von forensiceconomics


    1. forensiceconomics on

      This chart shows how minimum wages have evolved across U.S. regions since 1970. While the federal minimum wage remains $7.25, states like those in the Northeast and West consistently lead with higher wage floors, while the South lags behind.

      **Data Source:** FRED for example CA Source: [](
      **Created With:** `ggplot2` in R

    2. OkMuffin8303 on

      Ima be honest chief, I hate when quantifiable measurements (min wage in this case) are mixed with subjective labels (south, west, midwest).

    3. How is the south so high? It seems every state but Florida is currently at 7.25.

    4. Terrible-Stand5598 on

      How many places these days is the legal minimum wage even relevant? Where i live at least no company is offering minimum wage. You gotta pay $5/hr more even to get people to flip burgers.

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