Die Volkszählung ergab, dass jeder US-Bundesstaat seinen Bevölkerungshöchststand erreichte.

Von AmericaGreatness1776


  1. ballsonthewall on

    I think that eventually many of the rust belt regions will eventually bounce back as people leave increasingly less hospitable climates for increasingly more hospitable places like Cleveland and Minneapolis

  2. This really represents the Industrial Revolution. Previously we needed more farmers. Now we need less, so we’re able to live closer together in fewer areas.

  3. TechnicalyNotRobot on

    1790-1840 is actually insane. The population of the country in 1840 was about 20 million.

  4. Boring_Bumblebee6157 on

    Everyday I see maps like this I wonder how every state can be having extreme housing and population problems and it looks like half the country or more has decline or stagnated in its population. And I know what y’all will say, well it is only happening in a few cities. But from what I hear from others and my experience is that all over every state are housing and population problems. What is going on in this country?

  5. Norwester77 on

    I’m guessing this refers to the most recent peak, if there’s been more than one?

  6. lurkhardur on

    This might be the most surprising map I’ve ever seen on here. Living my whole life in CA I guess I just take growth for granted. Population peaking a century ago, in world’s largest economy is really blowing my mind. I guess I can see why people have such different priorities and different conceptions of how the world works and what the future holds.

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