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My dream country🥹 I’ll do everything to get there.
Idk this implies one CAN live comfortably in West Virginia. I don’t think I could, my neighbors would all be West Virginians.
What does “live comfortably” mean? No one in my Pennsylvania hometown makes that but they’re not starving or being evicted en masse.
You can swing the defined comfortable in good areas in all of these states for a lot less money
So, hypothetically how’d life be for someone living in West Virginia, earning 116,000$/year?
Not a fan of this. These numbers are wack.
My wife and I both live quite happily and comfortably on much less than half the amount indicated for my state. Frugal living for the win.
I call bullshit
They need to define this by metro area not state.
A rare case of knowing what year the data is from.
This is very arbitrary and way out of whack – surely this wasn’t made to push a specific political point or is from an advocacy group
I thought that, due to the high taxes, high property costs, and high salaries, California would be much more expensive than other states.
People live in cities. You have to do this by city/metro area. States are too big and have too many variations within them for this to be useful
Every single state is above the median natonal wage.
Florida is really wild when it comes to COL. 93 in some parts is great while others not at all.
How is Arizona more expensive than Vermont or Colorado more than Connecticut ?
If you think this is even remotely true then you are lost
LOL, that’s triple of the EU… If I’d make €36K here in Spain I would life comfortably, anything more is pure luxury.
How can the value of the Euro and Dollar be so close if the real value is so hugely different?
Why is it in fucking Wonton font?
I want some pork chow mein now
This map is garbage. I was making well below these figures in both AZ and WV and living comfortably and saving money. There is also a. Big difference between urban and rural areas.
Nothing much more subjective than “living comfortably “
Nice, but there can be wide variation within a state. For example, the cost of living in Manhattan is much higher than in upstate New York.
I think it’s wild that someone feel like they need to spend 50% on hobbies and savings to have a comfortable life
Living comfortably is subjective. I make far less than what my state says I need and I live very comfortably.
Ehh, I’m about $10k under my state. Sole income in a household of 4. We are pretty comfy and saving nicely. I’ve owned my house for about a decade though, so that cost is below a renter.
NYC area makes the NY income needed laughable. A single working adult making over 100k anywhere outside of the NYC metro would be in an amazing financial position assuming they have a decent budget.
I have a BS and support a family of 6 but make less than half of the lowest amount… What???
Crazy with 80.000$ in Germany you’re rich. Even with the half amount of money you are able to live a comfortable life here and this is even before taxes and costs for social security. Why is living in the USA that expensive?
These are all way too high
This is a bullshit map from a bullshit company called Smart Asset that is trying to sell financial services. It is not even remotely true.
I make less than that in California and pay my bills easily, travel sometimes, my son has an healthy 529, and I will retire at 60-62.
And then wonder, is working 40hrs a week at something you’d rather not do ‘living comfortably’ ?
These values are way to high imo. Making 56k a year all solo. I hit my 50/30/20 fairly easily well living in a higher cost of living area for my state. Nice apartment in a good area, 2-3 meals a day depending how I am feeling, spending money for fun, and maxing my roth plus other savings like a hefty downpayment for a home. If I had the 84k this says I need in my state would be crazy that would be more living in luxury than need.
The definition of living comfortably is dumb. Why is this measured as a percentage of income. Why should I spend 30% of my salary on hobbies? If you do the maths that means in California you need to spend 93 dollars a day on your hobbies to live comfortably which is ridiculous.
Define “comfortably”, because I’ve gotten by on less than $50k my entire life and lived quite well.
83k can get you pretty far in some parts of Iowa. Other parts will make you house poor on that salary if you want something with 0 zero problems.
Just renting you’ll be fine anywhere in Iowa.
This is off…
Good thing you’re not entitled to live comfortably.
Can someone explain like I am five what the hell is going on? I am living in Serbia very comfortably with 20k a year
Why is Colorado such an outlier ? It’s surrounded but som many affordable states around it ? Anyone know ?