Hallo. Es ist unser erstes Mal in einem VR-Nachtzug von Turku nach Rovaniemi. Der Zug hält unterwegs in Tampere, aber wir wundern uns, warum die Haltestelle 3 Stunden und 40 Minuten dauert. Kennt jemand die Erklärung? 🙂 🙂


Von Anxious-Ad3487


  1. Sweet-Ebb1095 on

    Not sure but I think it gets combined with one from Helsinki also mostly because it’s a night train and in no hurry. Some go the route faster even during the night, probably the one before that, maybe can’t remember and I’m too lazy to check.

  2. The whole train doesn’t continue to Rovaniemi. The sleeper and car carrying wagons wait a few hours in Tampere and are added to train number 273 from Helsinki to Rovaniemi.

  3. I would assume it is so that it is in Oulu at 8:06 and not before six. You can change to the Night train 269 at Tampere. It is in Rovaniemi at 7:20.

  4. Anxious-Ad3487 on

    Thanks for all the replies. No rush as we are enjoying the sleeping cabin 🙂

  5. I don’t work for VR but I can guess a couple of things. There might be a shift change at Tampere or they might want to clean the cabins before the next set of overnight travellers onboard, there might be logistical issues due to bottle necks in the train network due to construction or weather or other traffic, there might be a supply onboarding of goods/food.. I suggest you try to sleep if you got a sleeper cabin. You won’t notice the four hours if you sleep through it.

  6. RevolutionNo1444 on

    Waiting train what come Helsinki and will connect those train

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