Sara Sharifs mörderischer Vater „wurde bei Gefängnisangriff mit Thunfischdosendeckel in den Hals aufgeschlitzt“ und kämpft nun „um sein Leben“

Von KeremyJyles


  1. Acrobatic-Bee6944 on

    He might get mercury poisoning. Do people in prison ever get to eat salmon (even if it’s tinned?). That way, mercury poisoning wouldn’t be something to worry about.

  2. IsWasMaybeAMefi on

    ‘fighting for his life’

    has more resources than his poor daughter.

  3. Agreeable_Falcon1044 on

    I assumed he would get in with an Islamic gang, pay the right person and be able to get by. Looks like nobody likes child killers.

  4. Mjukplister on

    Ahhh I shouldn’t say this . But tough fucking shit after what he did . Ha

  5. cinematic_novel on

    I’m not exactly sorry for him, but why would something hazardous like a tuna be allowed to make its way into a prison?

  6. secretvictorian on

    I hope he pulls through.. and then gets attacked again…and then pulls through again..and then gets attacked again. .and then – you get the pattern. He should be MADE to live in fear for the next 40 years. Death is too easy an escape for the likes of this.

  7. Thoughts and prayers. That sounds about enough. No extra supervision or anything just thoughts and prayers. Seems to work

  8. Fast_Ingenuity390 on

    While prisons should be safe places for those incarcerated in them, fuck him.

  9. Hope he recovers, so he can complete his full sentence, waking up every day wondering when it might happen again.

  10. Tentacled_Whisperer on

    My only thoughts against this are I hope he survives to have an absolutely horrendous time in prison. Death now would be too easy for him.

  11. AlcoholicCumSock on

    After the ban I received recently for wishing ill on a convicted paedophile, I’d just like to say I wish this man a speedy recovery and a long happy life!

    That’ll be all, Reddit overlords 😇

  12. speedyspeedys on

    I’m surprised he wasn’t in solitary confinement. Isn’t that usually the standard for convicted child murderers/abusers?

    Can’t say I feel any sympathy though.

  13. ColonelBagshot85 on

    Oh dear, what a shame…

    Nothing compared to what he put his daughter through, though…..

  14. Apez_in_Space on

    I hope he loses that battle. Need more space in our prisons anyway.

  15. If he survives put him in complete solitary confinement American style with let’s be a bit generous 30 mins outside time per day. At least let his life be as torturous as the one he inflicted

  16. MumGoesToCollege on

    Glad he survived. Lots of Internet Tough Guys in the comments here but I don’t believe we should be celebrating a brutal attempted murder in prisons. He should serve his full sentence as the judge suggested. Death is too easy a way out for people like him.

  17. rimjob-chucklefuck on

    Oh boo fucking hoo. Hope he gets better so they can do it again

  18. It kind of amazes me the kind of honor people in prison can have. It can be majorly unsafe for people who do things to kids in there.

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