Teenager aus der Gegend von Toronto wegen angeblicher Absicht verhaftet, zu reisen, um sich ISIS anzuschließen



  1. slamdunk23 on

    ““Although the defendant is an adult now, much of the allegations occurred while he was a young person,” said Nathalie Houle, a spokesperson for the Public Prosecution Service of Canada.”

    What a joke of a justice system we have when an 18 year old alleged terrorist gets his identify protected.

  2. Let him go and revoke his citizenship the moment he steps foot off this country.

  3. GameDoesntStop on

    Why is a suspected terrorist out on bail to begin with? Yeesh.

  4. Relevant-Rise1954 on

    why arrest him? Let him leave, then cancel his passport en route. Let ISIS take care of him.

  5. I say let him go to syria or iraq or afghanistan and let em join isis. And he if ever tries to come back to Canada he is immediately arrested and then either sent back to isis or life in prison.

  6. nocturnalbutterfly7 on

    Let him go, and revoke his Canadian passport. Reap what you sow

  7. canvanman69 on

    Dude, are we time travelling back to 2013-2014 all of a sudden?

    I could have sworn that this ISIS/ISIL/Daesh shit got left in the past.

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