„Ein Bundesberufungsgericht hat am Donnerstag die bahnbrechenden Netzneutralitätsregeln der Federal Communications Commission aufgehoben und damit einen fast zwei Jahrzehnte währenden Versuch zur Regulierung von Breitband-Internetanbietern wie Versorgungsunternehmen beendet. Das US-Berufungsgericht für den sechsten Bezirk in Cincinnati erklärte, dass die FCC nicht befugt sei, Regeln wieder einzuführen, die Breitbandanbieter daran hinderten, den Zugang zu Internetinhalten zu verlangsamen oder zu blockieren.“



  1. How many thousands of miles of cable have been funded by billions in tax incentives and grants? The lines belong to the people and should be regulated as a utility.

  2. The very statement “lacked the authority to reinstate” reveals how ridiculous this is on the face of it. Quite apart from their description of their ruling as they “can” do this now that they threw out Chevron.

    This is what not just what regulatory capture, but outright kleptocracy looks like.

  3. GoldenHourTraveler on

    How will this impact ordinary Americans access to internet and or streaming services moving forward?

  4. Silence serfs. Your corporate overlords have spoken. You voted for this.

  5. BiplaneAlpha on

    Somebody get Anonymous to start fucking blasting DDoSs at every device used by the Sixth Circuit. Forever.

  6. MrFiendish on

    Net neutrality will be dead within 4 years. And all of the tech savvy bros voted to kill it.

  7. How the heck is the internet not a utility at this point? It’s required for the vast majority of healthcare, governmental and employment systems. Not to mention, yknow, living life.

  8. Seattle_gldr_rdr on

    And whiny bitch Roberts wonders why people are mad at the courts? When was the last time a federal court ruled against corporate interests?

  9. opinionsareus on

    Who appointed the judges in this case? It’s an absurd ruling that will give greedy fucking telcos the right to make you pay more money for basic services. I remember some years ago in the early 90’s when these telco bastards (ATT) were lobbying AGAINST the internet because they wanted to keep their ripp off long distance telephone fees in place.

  10. HelloItMeMort on

    Time to designate the Internet as a utility, just like electricity and phone lines

  11. SpunkBunkers on

    Communication companies are evil. Having worked for one, I can say with confidence that they don’t have any of our best interests in mind.

  12. Nuthousemccoy on

    Is there an argument on the other side? I tend to agree with everyone on the thread but am honestly willing to be enlightened because I don’t know hardly anything about this issue

  13. bluelaughter on

    This is the result of Chevron being struck down. Now uninformed judges will decide rules in place of long standing government agencies who have studied these issues for decades. The billionaires own judges, just another part of the government they own now.

  14. cosmothekleekai on

    Now your ISP gets to decide which parts of the internet you should have access to. Oh you want access to Google? Just get the Google add-on package! Nice one America! This is what happens when you let the people manage things they simply don’t understand.

  15. chooselosin on

    Shouldn’t these fossils have at least a cursory understanding of what they are making judgements on? Or have their benefactors paid enough for their ignorance. DDD

  16. spudz-a-slicer-dicer on

    Tax funded utilities should be treated as a public commodity.

    We paid for them, we should own them

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