Karte der Idee der „natürlichen Grenzen Frankreichs“, die durch Napoleon Bonaparte populär gemacht wurde

Von Hopeful_Tax3978


  1. StrictlyInsaneRants on

    Of course it includes a lot of areas with people who majorly at his time didn’t even speak french. The time of the french revolution was when they ran over minorities like never before.

  2. HarryLewisPot on

    I love how not even Napoleon or Hitler claimed Switzerland, even though they’re ethnic Germans/French.

  3. don’t ask for the “natural borders of germany”.

    i assume it’s a coastline. of a continent.

  4. spacebatangeldragon8 on

    The concept of the ‘*frontières naturelles*’ predates Bonaparte, and he expanded Metropolitan French territory considerably *beyond* these ‘natural’ borders.

  5. Radialverdicht0r on

    Now ask, what the “natural borders of Germany” are, have a look at the intersections and wonder, why Germany and France went to war so frequently in history

  6. I think Geneva would be included in this too – they annexed it as soon as they could during the Revolutionary period.

  7. PsychoSwede557 on

    The ‘natural borders of England’ should include at least 70% of France let’s be real..

    At least give us Normandy and Brittany (it’s in the name dude).

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