Soldaten der 3. Angriffsbrigade der AFU fanden das Telefon eines getöteten russischen Soldaten, der gefilmt hatte, wie sein Kollege Oleg Igorewitsch Rudakow (Rufzeichen „Rudik“) russischen Soldaten, die sich näher an der Kontaktlinie befanden, kriminelle Befehle erteilte, beispielsweise Schüsse und die Einheimischen foltern.
I don’t even want to imagine what some of this evil mfs did to the civilian population in the temporarily occupied regions.. I hope Karma will get them
bUt iT’s jUsT pUtIN !
Some dumb fuck playing tough totally uncaring of the consequences of his posturing.
Even criminal organizations have better discipline than the terrorist cannon fodder that russia sends out.
Better not to surrender to those fucks
And what happened to ‘Rudik’?
Dear Ukraine.
I wish for one thing, more manpower, another 500000 men. So you can overpower these scum and bring them justice.
As James T. Kirk said: “_Let_ them die!”