Neuseeland beendet Windhundrennen: Sollte Irland diesem Beispiel folgen?

Von PoppedCork


  1. DesignerWest1136 on

    Yes and horse racing too while we’re at it (Which is a hell of a lot bigger).

  2. MLGprolapse on

    An industry which exploits and harms animals, is propped up by the government and taxpayers and preys upon some of societies most vulnerable people with addictions…

    It should have been gone years ago.

  3. Dogs love running. Its in their nature.

    As long as their welfare is looked after outside of the track I don’t think dogs racing each other is a problem in itself

  4. Logical_News7280 on

    There’s only an issue if the animals aren’t looked after which unfortunately they’re not. Greyhounds and Horses are far too often abused and neglected when they stop becoming profitable.

    Not to mention that it’s a sport entirely propped up in gambling culture which is an entirely messed up issue in itself.

  5. Ok_Perception3180 on

    As someone who grew up around greyhounds (my father trained them since the 1950s) – I speak for both of us when I say – coursing should be banned outright.

    Greyhound racing needs major reform. There should be far far less breeding. There should be very clear rules about what happens to dogs after they finish their racing life and there needs to be far far better standards for the dogs lives throughout.

    In and of itself, racing greyhounds on a track after a dummy is not the problem, it’s the lack of care for the dogs wellbeing. There also should be no government funding. Let the bookies back it which they already largely do.

    I don’t see the above happening. I think the sport will die out either way.

  6. ThatGuy98_ on

    It definitely shouldn’t be funded by the government. Let it pay for itself if it’s so successful.

  7. Dookwithanegg on

    Ireland should have beat them to the post but following suit is better than dragging our heels.

  8. There is a rule that states that generally when a headline asks a question, the answer will be “No”.

    Considering that it’s mainly rich cunts who don’t care about dogs at all that are into greyhound racing, we will see no change.

    The opinions of us poors who aren’t into greyhound racing anyway don’t really matter.

    Its like horse racing and fox hunting. The people who can affect change in these places are already on the wrong side of it.

  9. Emotional-Aide2 on

    Regardless of the impact on the animals and how they were treated (if that wasn’t enough to ban it).

    The fact that the lobbyist say they’d have to shut their doors without government subsidies is ridiculous. If a business can’t afford to stay open without the government paying for it, then it’s a shite business and clearly doesn’t need to be around.

  10. No-Possibility9800 on

    Not sure it should receive government funding considering the agreements with gambling companies they’d also have, but leave them at it.

  11. qwerty_1965 on

    The 20m (?) given to racing dogs should go straight to funding refuge centres for abused people in toxic relationships.

  12. Unlucky-Ad2485 on

    It continues to be so wrong on so many levels, should be stopped immediately

  13. I wouldn’t even say it needs to be banned, if the subsidies are removed it will die itself.

  14. Honestly yes, if you go to any of the courses there is barely a handful of spectators, most of it is for the bookies in the UK.
    Any cultural value of it is long gone decades ago, I’m surprised TDs haven’t tried to get rid of it as there’s more voters against it than for it.

  15. Government love the gambling money to much and are in the pocket with the lobbying groups that represent them

    For them to say no to greyhounds would leave concern for the horses, if both of them fell, then what about the gambling in general, lad Brookes, paddy power ect.

    Personally, ban it all! But people need to be making it clear they want it gone to their TD’s

  16. TheSameButBetter on

    I think it should be banned. 

    Firstly it’s not really a sport, it’s a mechanism to enable gambling. 

    Secondly, I do know there are a decent number of Greyhound owners who do love and take care of their dogs and will give them a happy life post retirement, but let’s not beat around the bush there is a hell of a lot of abuse that goes on in Greyhound racing. 

    Growing up and dairy near the brandyworld I knew a few “doggy men”. The stories they told me of the frankly cruel method used to try and win a few quid horrified me. For example if a dog is performing well consistently and the owner wants to get better odds they’ll start feeding the dog a tin of semolina before each race which will slow them down, but also put their internal organs at risk of damage. After a few uncomfortable races for the dog in that condition the odds should improve and they’ll send it out with an empty stomach hopefully to win. 

    And one of the things I will never understand is how dairy City council built a whole new greyhound track for the local doggy men when they were redeveloping the brandyworld stadium, despite the fact that it isn’t even that big a thing in Derry. If you look at the standing area for punters in the new Greyhound track it’s tiny, it would barely hold a hundred people. 

    Yes it should be banned. 

    Firstly it’s not a sport, it’s just a mechanism to enable gambling. 

    There is a ridiculous amount of cruelty going on including treating dogs in a dangerous way to manipulate odds. 

    While there are some good owners who do look after their dogs post retirement, most can’t wait to be rid of them because they are no longer able to earn revenue. 

    And thirdly it gets a ridiculous amount of public money despite the fact that it isn’t all that big a thing. Just look at what happened up in Derry when the council wanted to redevelop the Brandywell stadium, They sacrificed the warm up pitch to build a brand new Greyhound stadium for the “doggy men.’ I just can’t get my head around that because it’s not that big a thing in Derry. The area for spectators to stand in is tiny and it doesn’t have any of the fancy dinner or conference facilities you see in the likes of Lifford or Shelbourne Park, it’s literally just a venue for gambling and nothing else and that should not have been funded from the public purse.

  17. Kind-Score7037 on

    That’s never going to happen. You couldn’t upset the Healy reas or Micheal Collins of this world.

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