Kanadas Gesundheitssystem hat ein Rechenschaftsproblem



    1. FancyNewMe on

      Paywall bypass: [https://archive.ph/cjRFJ](https://archive.ph/cjRFJ)


      * Canadian governments spend hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars every year on our country’s public health-care system. **Health spending in 2023 reached $344-billion, about $8,740 per Canadian.** That’s a lot of money for a health system that is failing to meet the needs of so many.
      * Our health system used to be a source of pride. Sadly, we haven’t been able to say this for a while. Physicians, other health-care workers, and patients alike have watched the system slowly deteriorate over the past 20 years.
      * Polling across the country consistently illustrates that health care remains a top priority among voters, but a Canadian Medical Association (CMA) survey from the summer of 2023 showed that only 26% of Canadians considered the health-care system to be in excellent or very good condition.
      * Just a quarter of those surveyed were optimistic that anything would improve over the next couple of years.
      * **Canada needs a chief health accountability officer mandated to monitor and report publicly on the implementation of intergovernmental health agreements to ensure all parties are delivering on their commitments for Canadians.**
      * An accountability mechanism would ensure that health dollars are effectively spent, and that governments achieve the necessary outcomes to ensure Canadians are getting the care that they deserve.

    2. twenty_9_sure_thing on

      voters keep voting for the same bullshit provincial politics are shocked their dollars are not working for them and promptly throwing out their civic knowledge to point at this mythical entity in charge of healthcare – “Canada”.

    3. EvenaRefrigerator on

      You can’t have accountability without competition I thought we learned that so far through monopolies in the private sector. What’s the difference in the public sector there’s no incentive or goal post even understand how s*** or good they are. even Sweden has private hospitals the public have access to and a public Voucher Program if public sector is sucking. Manitoba has eight MRI’s for over a million people Korea has like five per 100,000 from what I remember there and about.

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