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I prefer solarised light myself. Mainly as my retinas have permanent screen burn from the white, green or best amber CRTs.
I despise white space on screen it’s actually painful to my eyes. As such I will not read anything in depth that has no available dark mode.
Because my eyes are more important than any content that will not accommodate them.
I have to say, aesthetically a white screen with dark lettering and pictures is most naturally pleasing. I loved how the screens looked when I was young.
Then I got older. I got eye issues. White screens are blinding now and so is white text.
I appreciate and can’t do without dark mode, and blue light blocker apps and software.
Dark mode is life. White on black is easier to see and easier on the eyes.
I’m using this excellent Safari extension for dark mode https://apps.apple.com/il/app/dark-night-mode-for-safari/id1592844577
If you spend any significant time on a screen then removing as much bright whites as possible will greatly reduce eye strain.
Dark mode is the way. My eyes can’t handle white screens at all. To think there are folks who swear by white screens….
I think it would be more interesting to look into why light mode was created. Dark mode was the standard before Mac and Windows, it has always been the standard in *nix systems. Light mode is the abberation.
According to my eyes and the Google AI, in general bright mode is better for your eyes than dark mode. That is why I am not in dark mode.
Love dark mode, and the battery last longer
I can’t use reddit in dark mode because I can’t distinguish it from the anonymous session…
Paper doesn’t shine in your eyes like a screen too.
The only place I use light mode is my phone when I’m outside in the day. That’s the only time it gets easier to read than in dark mode.
I agree. For all if you, send a note to any one that doesn’t provide a dark mode. I’ve sent several to apps I like, but hate they don’t offer a dark mode.
If you don’t ask, you don’t get.
For me, the change came when I needed to save battery on my 1st several gen samsung galaxy phones. This because a white pixel is the screen being on and a black one is the screen being off, so the more I could get black instead of white, the more battery I saved.
Dark mode can fuck right off as far as I’m concerned.
Not all of us.
[F.lux](https://justgetflux.com/) is a great free desktop application for getting rid of blue light
I thought dark mode all the time was bad for your eyes. Because something something focusing.
Got to love getting flashbanged when you open Chromium browsers and there is a brief second of full screen blazing white before it loads dark. Im actually thankful my OLEDs ABL kicks in sometimes.
I’m afraid I’m the complete opposite and it’s for health reasons.
I’m 43 and was diagnosed with glaucoma at 36. Dark mode causes my pupils to dilate really badly which in turn makes me not able to stare at the screen.
It’s honestly really painful.
I like to feel that discord was the platform which really started this.
Dark mode sears the letters into my retinas so if I blink I can read them with my eyes closed for a second
I have spots in my vision so light mode makes them more visible and distracting.
Now that I’m a dark mode guy, I can finally appreciate the savagery of the animal kingdom. Before this, when I was in light mode, I would have been heartbroken over the loss of those baby robins. But here in the murky shade, I instead feel a kinship with the predatory raptor. What a fine meal those babies must have been; perhaps even feeding the hawk’s own offspring. Thus, the mill of life rolls darkly, grinding to dust everything that reveres the light. I might even start stealing some babies myself, raise them in dark mode on a diet of black licorice, and squid ink pasta. By the time they’re full grown, they will have the best vision on the planet, unfettered by the torid refulgence of luminosity. Their sleep cycles will be immaculate. Darkness will walk with them until the sun itself hides, for fear of being snatched from the sky like so many baby robins, and at the end of this road, once all we know has been swallowed by gloom, I will blast off into space, looking for new worlds to consume with my Stygian progyny, on a rocket ship that looks like this (_)_):::::::::::::D~~~
I think the real problem is the brightness setting on monitors out of the box is at 100%. That’s WAY too bright. My monitors are at 40%. I use light mode perfectly fine without any eye strain.
Dark mode triggers extreme visual snow and migraines in me.
If a page has white text on a black background, I can’t read it at all, even if I wanted to.
The premise is greatly exaggerated.
Especially for mobile which tends to be used in the dark, white pages are just mean. I have quite good eyes. Maybe once we have access to screens that can be dimmer I’ll start being ambivalent to brightly colored web design again
I was white screen up until I got an ultra wide monitor and the all white screen was physically hurting my eyes. That was the difference
Back when it was 20 inch crt it wasn’t that bad. But a 30+ ultra wide is eye death!