Der nächste Goldrausch findet über uns statt, nicht unter uns


  1. Jumpy_Lettuce1491 on

    Not too sure about this. Cost prohibitive or you bring so much back it is devalued.

  2. Inevitable-Wheel1676 on

    Big jobs program is available to the whole planet if the citizens of earth rally and demand off world resource development. There simply won’t be an infrastructure to supply all the robots to do all that work – human workers will also be in high demand.

    A global initiative to industrially develop the moon could boost prosperity for generations to come. And an orbital solar energy collection system could solve polluting energy production and open the way to a new era.

    None of this is science fiction. All of it is within the realm of engineering know how and ability.

    Why should humans fight each other and struggle over the limited wealth of just one world? Why not settle and develop our own solar system, and share the wealth, instead?

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