Ein schlüssiger Beweis dafür, dass Rosen den Qualitätsstraßen überlegen sind


Von Brittnom


  1. And no celebrations in sight since mid December. Clear winners in the chocolate contest.

  2. They are both disgusting and I don’t know how I ever enjoyed them.

  3. dropthecoin on

    Brave move Op. but you’re going to get comments about palm oil, shrinkflation, and how both brands of chocolate are now terrible.

    Edit: they’re all over the thread.

  4. glockenschpellingbee on

    I thank my lucky stars there isn’t just a big tub of Smarties available for purchase like a Roses tin. I’d be found face down in one; dead of insulin shock with a smile on my face.

  5. Irishgooner123 on

    Id eat quality street all day everyday ahd in a Cadbury’s and galaxy girl! Something about the triangles, the strawberry cremes and the toffees gets me! Also where is this heaven?

  6. _Fraggler_ on

    I know I’m in the minority but Quality Street are my favourite- where can I get this half price happiness???

  7. im_on_the_case on

    I don’t understand the race to the bottom with these. If they brought out an old throwback tin with the quantity, flavours and quality of 25 years ago, they could easily charge €20-30 and they’d fly off the shelves. Maybe I’m wrong and they know better but the current tripe they are peddling holds no appeal to me.

  8. DannyVandal on

    I think that if you need to declare that you’re a quality product in the name of your product, you’re not a quality product. They shot themselves in the foot with that name.

  9. ConradMcduck on

    Evidence that cabdurys are better at marketing maybe…

    ETA: they’re both rotten.

  10. They were 3 for €9 about a 6 weeks / a month before Christmas, then they jumped to €5/6 each depending where you shopped.

  11. Affectionate_Base827 on

    The fact that there’s so much left of either is proof that they’re both shite

  12. You say that, but you could also argue that they’re going to sell more quality street – so have stocked more.

  13. I don’t think I’ve ever seen boxes of chocolates left over after Christmas, people have been buying these boxes since August

  14. ShortSurprise3489 on

    This is proof of nothing! Show me multiple examples and then I’ll believe you.

  15. Hadrian_Constantine on

    They’re all shit.

    Fewer sweets for double the price year-on-year. Plus, they taste like plastic now, extra chewy.

    Much better to just buy some large bars, smash them up and put them into a box.

  16. This is conclusive evidence that Celebrations and Miniature Heroes are superior.

    Never have I seen so many boxes of Roses and Quality Street left in Supermarkets in January being sold off for cheap.

    The public have voted with their wallet and rejected the mess that they have made of these former great Christmas treats.

  17. TheGratedCornholio on

    Counterpoint: in that particular Tesco (Stillorgan ) the Quality Street were scanning at €3 instead of €2.50 so the Roses were cheaper.

  18. Eh I only eat the creams in either to be honest. Got a bag of the Quality Street creams before Xmas as was considering clearing the shelf out.

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