Durchschnittlicher SAT-Score nach detaillierter Rasse/ethnischer Zugehörigkeit

Von jspo8765


  1. I’m sure many people have seen average SAT data by broad racial group (Asian/Hispanic/White/Black), but this is the first time I’ve found average SAT data by race that broke down average scores by sub-ethnicity as well (e.g. China/India/Philippines/etc. for Asian). The original dataset is from the Common App, which makes sense, because I remember selecting a subcategory for my race (Asian, but I won’t say which one because it’s one of the smaller ones) when applying to college. I found it very interesting to see the differences within each category.

    There are two images. Make sure to check out the second!

    Source: [https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ca.research.publish/Research_Briefs_2022/2022_2023_Report_RaceEthnicity_2_2022.10.10.pdf](https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ca.research.publish/Research_Briefs_2022/2022_2023_Report_RaceEthnicity_2_2022.10.10.pdf)

  2. dstevenson7777 on

    This is what Vivek Ramaswamy is talking about when he says America “venerates a culture of mediocrity”. There are certain cultures (read: Korean, Indian, and Chinese) that truly value academic excellence, and we should try to learn from them.

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