Die niedrigen Lesewerte von Kindern sind „ein Alarmsignal“, sagt Ramaswamy von DOGE. Seine Lösung: Abschaffung der Bildungsabteilung.



  1. InAllThingsBalance on

    Eliminate the Department of Education so schools can be privatized for a profit. As a bonus, these kids will know jack shit so they will make great future Republicans.

  2. NATO_Will_Prevail on

    I always wonder what Musk and Ramswamey are really up to… It’s certainly something nefarious.

    I would imagine they think they need to cut the government so they can continue big time tax breaks for themselves.

    They very clearly lie and are disingenuous. They’re not stupid people. I feel like they must have some scheme up their sleaves.

    The scariest possible scenario is that these guys actually believe what they’re saying. That’s absolutely terrifying to me.

  3. sedatedlife on

    Yes that will raise scores as well as shutting down school libraries and policing books. Maybe if the right did not celebrate and push a anti-intellectualism agenda.

  4. Then_Journalist_317 on

    Teeror attacks hit multiple cities on 1/1/25. Kash Patel’s solution: Eliminate the FBI.

  5. AnonHondaBoiz on

    Can’t have bad reading scores if you just don’t test for them

  6. Tokie-Dokie on

    In the land of the illiterate the one-eyed, orange-tinted, pants-shitting man is king.

  7. thegoodnamesrgone123 on

    Or maybe just pay teachers more and fund public schools… but nah, that doesn’t make these idiots any money.

  8. Dr_Octahedron on

    I don’t know.. Are Trump voters going to eat this up? Probably

  9. I would propose an alternate solution where we tax the fuck out of billionaires and use that money to hire more teachers and buy books for kids.

  10. SeaNational3797 on

    Fascists always win by acknowledging the issues that liberals are too scared to bring up. The problem is that they don’t have actual solutions and are just using the veneer of populism to smoke screen their corporate agenda

  11. If we close the bureau of labor and statistics, then we won’t have to worry about that stuff anymore because we won’t have any data to compare it to.

  12. Really-ChillDude on

    Republicans gut education & library and they are like: scores are down after damaging everything. So let’s get rid of it.

    These people are like: on rich kkds who can afford private school should get an education….. but they have a plan for those who can’t afford it: they are lowering the work age.

    Screw them

  13. Ramaswampy: Eliminate Department of Education.

    MAGA: Yes!

    Ramaswampy: Y’all dumb as shit. I’m hiring Indians instead.

    MAGA: Noo! Not like that….

  14. letsburn00 on

    What basically happens in a huge number of these techbro “just use this obvious solution” issues is that if you get the government to stop providing services to everyone and only give it to the richest 20%, the quality absolutely will go up and cost will go down.

    Almost all their solutions are built in this idea. That people who can’t afford something simply don’t need that thing enough. That not being able to pay is just people being unwilling to pay.

    A huge proportion of costs end up being spent on 10% of the population and almost all private systems which appear more efficient are just that way because they only serve the richest 20-50%. This is then blamed as inefficiency. Same as the entire boring machine idea, same as healthcare. Same as everything.

  15. Can the man who got rich via fraud please not have any influence in our government? I realize that this statement covers a large number of people in the upcoming administration, but apply it to all of them who have committed fraud.

  16. Poverty could be solved by these billionaires. But why solve it when poverty can be weaponized for personal and political gain? A tale as old as time.

  17. dr_z0idberg_md on

    Look at how much money as a percentage each state pulls from the Department of Education. Eliminating the DoE will hurt red states more than blue states as declines in federal government funding usually means state and local governments pick up the rest so wealthier blue states and districts can fund the gaps. [Nine of the ten least educated states in the U.S. are red states](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/least-educated-states).

  18. Can’t talk about the kids low reading scores if we stop testing them.

  19. Wildtalents333 on

    public education are overwhelming run and funded by the states….

  20. DustyCleaness on

    How much has the DoE improved reading scores since it was created?

  21. strgazr_63 on

    No Child Left Behind fucked up so much shit. This has nothing to do with American culture and everything to do with the way children are taught and it has zero to do with teachers.

    Bushe’s legacy education program fucked up actual education and forced schools to teach passing tests instead of actual education. The two are not the same.

    There is no critical thinking involved in passing mandated testing, only memorization. Teachers are not allowed to teach. This is part of the dumbing down of America and the American populace.

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