Im vergangenen Jahr kamen insgesamt 174 Menschen auf irischen Straßen ums Leben

Von badger-biscuits


  1. Jayoverthere on

    Pretty good numbers considering the population increase we’ve had. Over 1 million extra living here since 2006, a year when road fatalities were 320.

  2. hesaidshesdead on

    It’s mad that 20 years ago, they were around double that number.

    WTF was going on on our roads back then?

  3. SoftDrinkReddit on

    14 straight years of sub 200 Road deaths

    🍾 a feat that grows more impressive every year as our population grows

    Extra stats 2011 was the first time in 64 years where we had fewer then 200 road deaths in a year

  4. Im_Schwifty_In_Here on

    I unfortunately think that number will rise this year looking at the volume of people that use their phones driving and seem to be now colour blind at traffic lights, they keep saying our problem is speeding when it isn’t just that, but punish punish punish that’s all that seems to happen bigger fines and more points what’s about educate more and better / clearer signs, no claims bonus isn’t worth jack now my insurance has gone up 3 years in a row, sorry rant over

  5. Fern_Pub_Radio on

    Wont stop Rte and Co screaming in rabid hysteria about wiping out half the country with road deaths and whipping up idiotic politicians incapable of understanding data and research into more nonsensical road law interventions …..these are superb metrics for a country our size , we are 5th or 5th best fatality figures out of EU 27 but you’d never think that if you went by media coverage …..

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