1. llahlahkje on

    Just under 3 weeks until President Elmo and First lady Tramp take office and everyone is scrambling.

  2. lanabeotch on

    Elections matter; now they will face the consequences of their choices. Ignorance is not an excuse, and none of this information was concealed.

  3. Negative_Gravitas on

    Not “defang,” goddamnit.

    “Cripple.” “Kneecap.” “Disembowel.” “Strangle.” Or maybe, “Gut, fill with a warm blend of diet coke and frappéd hamberders, and use as a sex doll.

  4. thinkingahead on

    I still don’t get why the unions went so hard against Kamala. It’s genuinely odd

  5. SpartanKane on

    All this guy does is take things away from people. He doesn’t seem interested in helping anyone but himself. And after all the stuff he unfortunately endured the last 4 years, that vindictiveness will rear it’s ugly head even more. I just don’t goddamn understand how people don’t see him for the lying charlatan that he is.

  6. williamgman on

    So this is how the price of eggs comes down..? Man… I had no idea that’s how economics worked.

  7. recalculating-route on

    we love our 80 hour weeks with no overtime pay, don’t we, folks?

  8. redsandsfort on

    Racism and immigration issues are more important to union members and leadership than actual workers rights.

  9. clankasaurus on

    This is what all the wing nuts in my local voted for. Assholes.

  10. Labour unions soon to be replaced by Prison Labour Union Local 666!

  11. Very little union support for Harris.

    Hope they enjoy the president they picked.

  12. He also met with the ILA and supposedly backs them and their quest against automation ahead of their upcoming negotiations in January 🤷‍♀️ At least until someone tells him we have some of the least efficient ports in the world

  13. The_Pandalorian on

    Well done union voters! Y’all fucked yourselves right in the eyesockets.

  14. JoeyCucamonga on

    One general strike fixes a lot of issues really quickly.

    Always weird when workers forget who actually has the power.

  15. yourlittlebirdie on

    For the record, the largest unions in the country all endorsed Kamala Harris: NEA, SEIU, UFCW, UAW, IBEW, LIUNA, IAM, ILWU, CWA, UBCJA, etc. Teamsters were the only one who didn’t.

  16. Pauly-wallnuts on

    Project 2025 in full effect. Get rid of unions and overtime. In other words drive the workers into poverty and the oligarchs get richer.

  17. nogoodgopher on

    Well, let’s remember that the head of the teamsters implicitly backed Trump by speaking at their convention and not endorsing any candidate.

    So… Fuck him, drown in your own shit Sean.

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