Die Fleischsorte, die in jedem Land am meisten konsumiert wird

Von Empty-Web-8112


  1. Quick_Caregiver3068 on

    St. Vincent and the Grenadines really like their chicken

  2. MatheusMaica on

    What are the 2 countries that consume “other”? I’m blind, more specifically color blind. (is it Botswana and Papua New Guinea?)

  3. Objective-Resident-7 on

    Basically the people in Hong Kong are fat bastards then?

  4. Optivicente765 on

    Ngl I am surprised that Burkina Faso and Guinea-Bissau mostly consume pork considering they’re muslim-majority countries

  5. Victor4VPA on

    What meat are most consumed in the Grey countries? Botswana and Papua-New Guinea

  6. Ordinary-Fact5913 on

    All the colors in the rainbow and they picked 2 shades apart for pig and chicken.

  7. Great_Wormhole on

    Why is pork so popular in Europe? Is it some sort of tradition?

  8. RageQuitNZL on

    NZ won’t be fish, the prices are high as the majority is exported. It will be chicken

  9. AdventurousTap2171 on

    Papua New Guinea has “other” meat listed…would it be long pork?

  10. vasishtsrini on

    Fascinating that the very Hindu country of Nepal eats so much beef….

  11. grumpylondoner1 on

    What data is this based on? Feels way off for some countries.

  12. Double-Helicopter-53 on

    I’d like to see this map but REMOVE the top 5 most common, and then see what people are eating..

  13. Odd-Improvement-1980 on

    Why doesn’t anyone eat horse? They’re basically just muscly cows without the horns.

    If I had Elon musk’s money, I think I’d spend a lot of money and effort convincing people to eat horse. After a few years and a decent amount of effort and people actually started eating horse meat at any considerable volume, I’d pull the rug out and shame them all for being a bunch of horse-eating weirdos.

  14. No way Hungary eats mostly pork. Pork has gotten insanely expensive these past few years. It has to be chicken.

  15. Why are mutton and goat combined? Sheep/lamb and goat are two different animals.

  16. Objective-Variety-98 on

    This looks completely off. Is horse a bovine animal? Because the whole of central Asia eats horse meat more than anything else.

  17. ThunkAsDrinklePeep on

    Just two normal earthlings having open fire heated bovine meat. Nothing to see here human.

  18. Garry__Newman on

    No way China eats more seafood than pork, almost all meat dishes use pork

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