Bringen Sie Ihr Pferd in den Bus von Dublin

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  1. HighDeltaVee on

    “I don’t *care* if your horse has a Leap card, he’s not getting on my bus.”

  2. messinginhessen on

    Ah shur they’ll just dump it there and get another one off the social welfare /s

  3. Oh, for fuck sake!

    The guy had endless enthusiasm and determination and a total lack of common sense with a healthy dose of total fucking stupidity.

    These attributes are lethal when combined together.

    It was bad enough that the space cadet made the attempt in the first place, it was even worse that he kept trying in spite of it not working and being told to fuck off by the driver.

    I am starting to relax my position on the bus driver hitting the kid the other day. We didn’t see what happened beforehand and it’s quite possible that he was pulling off something as brain-dead as this.

  4. BlueBloodLive on

    I do wonder how much the “ah it’ll make a good video” mentality now comes into the minds of people, without ever stopping to think that whatever Spielberg epic they have in their head, its not gonna happen.

    Thank fuck our generation didn’t have social media, some things are definitely best left to pub stories that can’t immediately be pulled up on the internet.

  5. in_body_mass_alone on

    Typical traveller behaviour.

    He is the center of the universe and everyone else are NPAs

  6. thatirishguykev on

    Dublin has gone to absolute shit.

    This poor man just trying to get onto the bus with his old school wheelchair is all. There’s even designated spaces, but they won’t let him on ffs smh shake my head!!


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