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We coulda’ had a bad bitch
but our coporate daddies
then run for president or something bernie! i swear this guy only ever talks. has he ever even tried to pass any legislation? i’m sure the dems would all support it.
This will be a vote unifying issue for the Democratic Party if it chooses to run with this at an election.
We’re about to round up millions of families and put them in camps in the desert, but OK Bernie.
We were close to having it but Joe fucking Lieberman tanked it. I hope he’s having an uncomfortable afterlife.
The media was relentless against Harris and helped Trump win. It attacked and falsely portrayed her as being someone who flip-flops and undecided on issue like Medicare for all, fracking, the Green New Deal, Israeli/Palestinian conflict, securing the border, etc.
How many 2016 campaign promises did Trump keep? RW voters, GQP lawmakers, billionaires, and the media all wanted Trump to win, for obvious reasons, and they got what they wanted. Now we must live with it!
“People who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
Too bad when he was asked how he would pay for it, he released a list of taxes that didn’t even cover half the cost
Right sir!
Medicare for All with a 100% far right wing Republican federal government, and 36 right wing Republican state legislatures??
More like Medicare For None is what’s coming, Bernie. Maybe try to not demonize Democrats 24/7/365 for the next 3.5 years and then suddenly remember that you caucus with them when running for POTUS again and switch to reminding Americans how awful Republicans are *after they’ve already tuned out, dunked on Dems and took their ball home, and it’s too late*.
Hopefully the DNC runs on this. Not gonna hold my breath, but that would be a winning message
Unfortunately all medicines are going to be banned by Trump
It doesn’t matter who is president. The rich get richer, healthcare gets worse and the bombs keep falling.
The actual reality reddit healthcare reformist refuse to accept and why we’ll never get any form of government run healthcare or public option is that a very large chunk of Americans want healthcare for
*themselves*, but will vehemently refuse to support any system that gives it to ‘those people’ they don’t think deserve it.
[Dying of Whiteness](https://www.basicbooks.com/titles/jonathan-m-metzl/dying-of-whiteness/9781541644960/)
>Even on death’s doorstep, Trevor wasn’t angry. In fact, he staunchly supported the stance promoted by his elected officials. “Ain’t no way I would ever support Obamacare or sign up for it,” he told me. “I would rather die.” When I asked him why he felt this way even as he faced severe illness, he explained, “We don’t need any more government in our lives. And in any case, no way I want my tax dollars paying for Mexicans or welfare queens.
Well we voted for cheap eggs and harassing immigrants, so your healthcare is going to have to wait. Be smarter in 4 years.
Does this guy do anything besides write op-eds and give speeches? He’s been in Congress for a century. If he hasn’t delivered by now, he’s never going to.
It’s not just that we don’t have a wholly reinvented socialist healthcare system, it’s that we have Republicans in power determined to dismantle what system does exist, in part because Bernie Sanders supporters wouldn’t deign to appreciate incremental progress. It was always all or nothing.
I have been trying for years to feel generous toward Sanders and his brand of politics, but I think he’s been largely unhelpful. From his comfy perch in Vermont he promises literal revolution to college hippies who, in turn, seem to hate Democrats and the pragmatic progress they are able to make more even than Republicans.
Having been on corporate and self
employment healthcare plans, I have to say Medicare is magical.
Since turning 65,
life has been so much easier.
Obama would have loved a single payer setup, Congress just wasn’t gonna let him do anything that good.
And the GOP want to strip it all away.
Bottoms deserve healthcare too. SMH my head.
Show of hands from ANYONE in another country that would prefer a for profit healthcare system over the one they have now. Would they like their systems improved? Absolutely. But replaced with a for profit one cobbled together like we do here..? That’s the comparison.
Must overturn Citizens United