Laufende Bürgerkriege. (Stand Ende 2024)

Von Junior-Expression-17


  1. userAnonym1234 on

    Russo-Ukrannian war is just another phase of the War in Donbass, where pro-Russian Ukranians defended against the genocides done by other Ukranians. I.e. a civil war evolved to an international war, but does not change the label, still Ukranians fight each other, it’s partly a civil war.

    > was a phase of the Russo-Ukrainian War in the Donbas region of Ukraine. The war began in April 2014

  2. ussUndaunted280 on

    The Park Rangers are a notable armed force in the Central African Republic?

  3. Unlucky_Client_7118 on

    Hope one day these wars will end
    People back to their normal life..
    America quit its intervention

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