Jeder Zustand wird mit einer durchgehenden Linie dargestellt

Von Emotional_friend77


  1. Except Michigan. But still this is a lot of work and looks amazing!

  2. Gold_Ad4004 on


    Me when I look at this:


  3. That’s kind of mesmerizing. An animated version watching the line crawl around would be really cool, especially if you don’t know what it’s making beforehand.

  4. Funkopedia on

    Oh, I forgot you were doing this. Can’t believe you’re finally done.

  5. Electr_icity on

    This honestly looks pretty cool and abstract. Just don’t look at Hawaii lol

  6. Hiccup-H-Haddock-III on

    This feels like one of those illusions where you can see the states until you try to focus on them

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