Barry Lyndon gehört wahrscheinlich zu den besten Filmen, die jemals in Irland gedreht wurden. Warner Brothers hat gerade den vollständigen Film auf YouTube veröffentlicht, den Sie kostenlos ansehen können. Ein Kubrick-Klassiker.



  1. Threeturkishships on

    People might talk about the meticulous planning from Kubrick or the Nasa lenses or the IRA threats, but my absolute favorite anecdote about this film is that rugby pundit George Hook did the onset catering for this film.

    The image of him in a hairnet dishing up shite sandwiches to surly electricians and teamsters never fails to make me smile.

  2. Churt_Lyne on

    I see a reference to NASA lenses below, but for context Stanley Kubrick used the fastest lenses in cinema history to shoot some scenes like this lit only by candle light. As anyone familiar with photography aware, fast lenses bring their own challenges, like extremely shallow depth of field…


  3. Jacabusmagnus on

    Seen it, it’s an absolute epic. I don’t understand how it’s not more popular here or why it has such a poor screening rate. It’s also a phenomenal period production. It’s battle scenes are used in countless historical videos/documentaries to depict 18th century battles.

  4. Tony_Meatballs_00 on

    “id sooner go to hell as to Dublin”

    Redmond knew what was what

  5. CardinalNollith on

    Based loosely on the life of [Andrew Robinson Stoney](, of Borrisokane, Co. Tipperary.

    Other fun Borrisokane facts:

    * Martin Sheen’s mother was born in a pub in Borrisokane

    * Martin Sheen made [a movie about a Borrisokane priest who established a cinema in the town](

    Not-so-fun Borrisokane fact:

    * Former leader of the National Party [Justin Barrett]( was raised in Borrisokane

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