Gegen eine schwarze Frau, die Heathrow auf 1 Million Pfund verklagte, nachdem sie einer Leibesvisitation unterzogen worden war, wurde die Klage wegen Rassendiskriminierung abgewiesen
Von Alienatedpig
To be fair I wouldn’t want to interact with ppl from Feltham either
> On the day of the incident, she had been on the way to a meeting with a contractor in a secure airside area of the airport which required her to pass through security – a process that included passing through an archway scanner.
> If the archway identifies a “zone of concern”, the individual is required to step to one side and asked to consent to a search which involves being patted down over their clothing and being scanned with a hand-held metal detector.
> If a security officer believes that further investigation is needed then a private search can take place.
> Ms Brown accepted that the archway “cannot select on the grounds of race” but claimed that the private search was not typically undertaken. The airport disputed this claim, saying it was required when a security office “cannot satisfy themselves” that the “area of concern has been resolved”.
Big fuss over standard procedure. She should get stuck with the court fees too.
>October 2022.
2 years too late I fear. If this has happened in 2020 and she’d played her cards right she could have got the airport renamed after her
Just got back from Gatwick / Istanbul, I heard 3 different Asians using the “it’s because of my nationality” (fucking victims would try and take 2 suitcases on a 1 rucksack only flight and boot off about being charged) / on the istanbul end where EVERYONE got a search
These people need to be called out for their perpetual chip on their shoulders
These things are created for our safety. I too don’t like it when the security touches my body but I still need to comply if I need to fly.
Avoiding the race discrimination, this is a person who seemed to work at the airport or had business there, was strip searched because the detector found something and it escalated from there……what was it they detected or thought they were carrying. What was felt through a pat down tk escalate to a strip search. Too little detail. Always the possibility they were targeted, just not on or solely related to race.
Everyone acting like this happens all of the time no it doesn’t stop acting like minorities are the ones with the persecution complex
The fact this makes the news is pathetic. Just a moronic woman who needs to get a life.