👀 Selenskyj: Als Putin vor mehr als 25 Jahren die Macht in Russland übernahm, belief sich die jährliche Gasförderung durch das Territorium der Ukraine nach Europa auf über 130 Milliarden Kubikmeter. Heute liegt der Transit von russischem Gas bei 0. Das ist eine der größten Niederlagen Moskaus.

👀 Zelensky: When Putin was given power in Russia more than 25 years ago, the annual pumping of gas through the territory of Ukraine to Europe amounted to 130+ billion cubic meters. Today, the transit of Russian gas is 0. This is one of Moscow's biggest defeats.

MAKS 24 👀🇺🇦 (@maks23.bsky.social) 2025-01-01T15:52:25.379Z


  1. GaryDWilliams_ on

    the most remarkable thing about this gas transit is that even with everything russia was doing to Ukraine it was Ukraine that followed the contract while russia was issuing all sorts of threats.

    Says a lot about the integrity of Ukraine and the hatred of russia.

  2. BoosterRead78 on

    John McCain: “Russia is just a giant gas station with nothing to offer but blackmail and fear.”

  3. rayman1102 on

    Hopefully the new European autocrats Fico and Orban do not find a work a round for their stopped gas delivery.

  4. DumbledoresShampoo on

    Almost 3 years into the 3 day special military operation. War successes: Sweden and Finland are in Nato, Ukraine is an official candidate to join the EU, Russia’s currency is dying while inflation is far up, Russia’s military equipment stocks are depleting and Russia can no longer blackmail Europe with their gas.

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