Pornhub ist mittlerweile in fast allen Teilen des Südens der USA gesperrt. Seit heute sind drei weitere Bundesstaaten auf der Liste der 17 Bundesstaaten, die aufgrund von Gesetzen zur Altersüberprüfung keinen Zugriff auf Pornhub haben.


  1. Texas_sucks15 on

    unless u have a VPN. another BS law that affects the low income earners the most.

  2. Young_KingKush on

    I wonder what is the problem they have with Pornhub specifically

    Like yall banning Pornhub but not Onlyfans, make it make sense

  3. A Federal judge blocked Tennessee’s age verification law for adult websites, citing free speech concerns. As of now, law will NOT go into effect until litigation is concluded.

  4. TheLastBlakist on

    As a christian.

    I cheer pornhub on for pushing back against the f’ing Christian Shiara Law bullshit that states are trying to put in place.

  5. bi_polar2bear on

    PornHub should partner with a VPN on its landing page. It would be a big FU to the idiots who wasted time and money on this law.

  6. MyLittleDiscolite on

    Why the fuck are we worried about stupid shit like this but not healthcare and housing?

  7. So how is Reddit dealing with this. Fairly certain I never gave them my id and yup. I can still access porn from my shitter in Florida via this app

  8. Lord-Nagafen on

    The party of small government right here. No porn, no weed, no abortions. It’s like boomer parents but for red states

  9. IllustratorBig1014 on

    Pornhub insists that age verification *processes* are inadequate to ensure user privacy. That is a reasonable and conservative assertion. I’ve no idea whether technologies exist that verify with privacy assured, but I highly doubt it. When I’ve used these for other services, it’s clear that data is shared with *other and unknown* third parties with their own privacy policies. They can’t abide by their TOU wrt privacy assurances with age verification. That is the problem. The political smokescreen is of course to legislate morality by any means. And we haven’t been vocal enough to vote otherwise.

  10. Careless-Credit-1463 on

    There is now way to technically verify that person accessing content at that specific moment is the same person that submitted their ID. It’s all massive bs and just shows how fucking dilusional are people who create law.

  11. iredditinla on

    I’m so curious about whether the chickens ever come home to roost on this politically. I mean yeah plenty of people can work around these kinds of things or look elsewhere but this is not what populism looks like.

  12. Capital-Giraffe-4122 on

    Gonna start seeing ads for VPNs on all of the evangelical websites

  13. If you think banning websites will stop kids from jerking off to music videos, magazines with no porn, movies that have boobs, their thoughts, or anything else i can’t think of, you’re gonna have a bad time.

    A horny kid is like a stoner with weed and no pipe. They will find a way.

  14. The South is hateful and fearful of the Muslim religion, yet defends similar actions when done in the name of Christianity, claiming they are just and righteous.

    Religion is nothing more than a tool for control—a cult that has never truly benefited society. At this point, it’s practically ‘Ameri-dumb.’ The backward progression caused by religion has set humanity back hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

  15. Skeezychickencream on

    I don’t know how anyone lives in the ignorant south. Stripping away your freedoms one by one.

  16. TheSquirrellyOne on

    I suspect we’ll see a lot less of the step-brother/step-sister videos trending.

  17. anotherpredditor on

    They get to play that incest porn out in real life instead. I only wish this was sarcasm.

  18. This is what politicians in the south want — to keep people from porn.

  19. Limp-Inevitable-6703 on

    Hahahah purnhub is competition to family members so that’s why it’s gone

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