Diagramm zur globalen Sprachentwicklung [OC]

Von kolyafabrika


  1. kolyafabrika on

    > Be sure to add a comment that states the data source AND tool(s) used to create the visualization.

    Wikipedia, Figma. Happy New Year!

  2. TitanTheFuckUp on

    That’s a cool graphic. Unsure what to do with this information, but thanks.

  3. Uh the native names of Norwegian Swedish Flemish and Dutch are mixed up. But very interesting graph!

  4. NondeterministSystem on

    The difference in lengths between Sumer and Hebrew is essentially the entire plot of the cyberpunk novel *Snow Crash*.

    It’s a weird book.

  5. hexenvixen on

    I absolutely love what you’ve done here and the image is striking! Thank you!

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