14-Jähriger bei Feuerwerksunfall in Rotterdam getötet; Bürgermeister fordert landesweites Verbot


Von insomnimax_99


  1. Interesting_Piano_99 on

    They take away everything from us with the safety excuse.

  2. Dry-Piano-8177 on

    For comparison: In Germany, five people in total died on New Year’s Eve because of some accident with fireworks.

  3. PaleFaithlessness771 on

    One person dies. Ban it everywhere! Should ban cars as well..

  4. The_Great_Grafite on

    They shouldn’t ban legal fireworks, since those accidents almost never happen with firework that is legal in Western Europe. That stuff is perfectly fine. It can lead to injuries of course, but it’s rare that they are severe.

    What should change is how we handle illegal fireworks. It should be met with the same penalties as possessing, selling, smuggling illegal firearms. You should face serious jail time, not a slap on the wrist.

  5. A large majority of firework deaths in Europe come from already illegal fireworks, banning legal fireworks would most likely increase the number of deaths even more.

  6. CluelessExxpat on

    Instrad of banning it, municipalities should create designated areas where threse fireworks can be used with guidance.

    As a country that legalized weed, I don’t understand how the first thought can be a “ban”.

  7. DickMinimum on

    you VILL own nothing, you VILL not participate in UNSAFE activities und you VILL be happy

  8. Just cause 1 person is frixking stupid doesnt immediatly mean fun should be ruined for everyone

  9. I don’t drink can somebody tell me how many deaths alcohol caused and why is it vital to human life? Time to ban it if you ask me

  10. Moosplauze on

    Makes sense. Next ban cars, alcohol, trains, planes, houses, fires, water, rocks and dancing.

  11. silver2006 on

    I heard of a man died after got stabbed with a knife, so we should ban knives.

    Also a young lady got killed by a car, so we should ban cars.

  12. Suitable_Poem_6124 on

    I don’t understand the logic, many more people die from other pointless recreational activities, such as alcohol, smoking, motorsports etc

  13. The fireworks that got this kid killed, is allready illegal..
    The mayor talks rubbish.

  14. ThisIsLukkas on

    I’d say natural selection with a tad of administration failure. Let’s ban knifes cuz some kids accidentally cut themselves or ban skateboards because they cause a lot of ankle injuries. It’s the same old weapon problem. It’s not the firearms’ fault if the owner is stupid and a psycho. Same with fireworks

  15. Fireworks are illegal in Ireland with a full ban except for a few licensed companies.

    The ban is completely ineffective due to EU/UK open borders and trade and Halloween and New Years sees the whole country full of them to the extent the the GardaÍ (Police) are enable to do anything to stop them but make sure no one is using them dangerously.

  16. Solution is to have designated Fire work areas in cities. Anything launched outside that area will be punished with 12 years Labor camp.

  17. Also one dead in my city (Odense, Denmark). His (presumably) homemade bomb blew up (in) his face when he tried to light it.

  18. The reality is that this boy died playing with fireworks that are highly illegal to sell to consumers, so his death is the result of his parents failing to stop their son from playing with illegal fireworks (they were aware of this!) and the government’s inability to effectively police already existing bans.
    I fail to see how banning fireworks completely will change any of this, since the government already is unable to act against fireworks used illegally, in and outside of the time windows fireworks are allowed.

  19. Dark_Wolf04 on

    Fuck that’s like 5 minutes from my house. Teenagers in my neighborhood constantly lit them up this month, and the police barely did anything

  20. spacemarine66 on

    “the boy attempted to relight the firework after it initially failed to detonate. The cobra exploded as he held it, causing fatal injuries.”

    Sure this js really sad but also darwin award. This fireworks is already banned in our country, and his parents probably bought it for him so if thats the case no sympathy.

    So “nationwide ban” is super stupid to say since this is already illegal fireworks. So what you talking about? A father and a son cant have fun using legal fireworks because a stupid kid dies from illegal fireworks similar to a hand grenade?

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