Irish Examiner: Meath Man ist Irlands ältester Mensch, der die höchsten Gipfel auf sieben Kontinenten bestiegen hat Von Banania2020
agscaoilteadhnagloch on 01.01.2025 11:17 AM These expeditions are notoriously expensive so well done to him. He mustn’t be short of a bob or two.
ImpressForeign on 01.01.2025 11:48 AM Says he became the oldest Irish person yet doesn’t tell us his age, I feel that’s an important part of the story
These expeditions are notoriously expensive so well done to him. He mustn’t be short of a bob or two.
Says he became the oldest Irish person yet doesn’t tell us his age, I feel that’s an important part of the story
Isn’t Meath the flattest county? Kinda ironic if so.