Karte der Sprachfamilien in Asien

Von LazerScorpion


  1. Rogue-RedPanda on

    There are pockets of dravidian language spoken in afghanistan as well.

    The language is Brahui

  2. The_Balcorian on

    Kind of depressing how there used to be a lot more linguistic diversity in asia but it got stamped out by imperialism.

  3. I think Russian is very much limited to the south of Siberia, and the north is mainly minor languages.

  4. Big-Selection9014 on

    Hindi and others are a indo-European language?? How did they develop?

  5. Bakwaas_Yapper2 on

    Are both the Austroasiatic patches in India for Santhal? Because afaik, no other language would meet your criteria of 4 million + speakers

  6. ScientistStrange4293 on

    So Italian and Hindu is closer to each other than Korean and Japanese?

  7. General_Pumpkin6558 on

    Why were Turkic languages ​​in Russia not mentioned on the map?

  8. Over 80% of Telugu vocabulary is from Sanskrit. Telugu is closer to Sanskrit than any other language semantically, on that note indo-euro component in South India expands further

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