Warum begnadigte Biden einen Arzt, der die Chemotherapie von Krebspatienten verwässerte?

    Von Ihavetoleavesoon


    1. Ihavetoleavesoon on

      I’d like this to be my first post on r/conspiracy
      Even though is this a conspicuous?
      It’s out in the open.

      Also receiving clemency: Meera Sachdeva, a Mississippi doctor sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2012 for defrauding Medicare by providing diluted chemotherapy drugs and old needles to cancer patients. One patient of Sachdeva’s clinic claimed to have contracted HIV because of old needles.

    2. Sufficient_Physics22 on

      His handlers are selling indulgences. The demented lame duck is perfect cover.

      No one will question any of his decisions because everyone knows he is not competent.

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