Die Fähigkeit, sich ohne Rücksicht auf sich selbst um einen anderen zu kümmern, ist eine Schlüsselkomponente guter Beziehungen. Eine neue Studie zeigt, dass die Bereitschaft, sich um andere zu kümmern, auf die frühesten Beziehungen zu Hause zurückzuführen ist. Indem Sie die Ursprünge Ihrer eigenen mitfühlenden Liebe verstehen, gewinnen Sie Einblick in Ihre Beziehungen.



  1. I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:


    From the linked article:

    This Kind of Love Begins in the Home

    New relationship research shows how your home life shapes your love life.


    – The ability to care for another person without regard for yourself is a key component of good relationships.
    – A new study shows that a willingness to care for others stems from the earliest relationships in the home.
    – By understanding the origins of your own compassionate love, you can gain insight into your relationships now.

  2. coffeesgonecold on

    This hits hard. I didn’t have parents around regularly when I was growing up. I took after myself. Have had no issues caring for my wife and kids but always wondered why it never felt “natural” to me . Maybe this is why?

  3. IronicAlgorithm on

    Stating the bleeding obvious. Winnicott, Bowlby et al, delved into the importance of infant/parent relationships over a century ago.

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