Überlebender des Manchester-Arena-Angriffs fordert Schutz vor Verschwörungstheoretikern


    Von ClassicFlavour


    1. No_Rope4497 on

      This is just plain harassment/libel – we have existing laws to deal with this – idk what else would make sense

    2. creativities69 on

      There are laws already- you cannot restrict freedom of speech but you can sue for defamation

    3. spuriouswhim on

      >There are laws already- you cannot restrict freedom of speech but you can sue for defamation

      And the ability to sue for defamation is readily available to all British denizens because of Legal Aid. Oh no, wait a minute ..

    4. >A survivor of the Manchester Arena attack is calling for greater legal protections from conspiracy theorists after a YouTuber with millions of viewers secretly filmed his family to try to prove they were “crisis actors”.

      Worst of all the victim had stump up his own cash to take the arsehole to court.

      >Hibbert said the legal bill from his case – which involved a four-day trial at the Royal Courts of Justice – came to almost £250,000, which his law firm is attempting to recoup from Hall.

      A more civilised country would ensure that Richard D Hall was doxxed so that others could secretly film him and make documentaries about his activities.

    5. Was it not a flase flag attack then? No1 seemed to argue with richard about his work just the way he went about it.

    6. RoddyPooper on

      I’d like to see more proactive action against conspiracy theory in general. Anti intellectualism has been taking a wrecking ball to the pillars for a while now.

    7. PrestigiousTourist75 on

      There’s being a conspiracy theorist and then there’s harassment/stalking which in this case was what it was and has been dealt with as far as I’m aware.

    8. Worldly_Table_5092 on

      My conspiracy theory is that these conspiracy theorists who accuse legit victims are groomed and paid for by big censorship to induce public backlash to restrict free speach. Just like the Just Oil being paid by Oil. This post was brought to you by Big Foil.

    9. Generic_Moron on

      Hope things go well for them. Situations like these can be up hill battles. Just look at the Sandy hook families lawsuit against Alex Jones over in America, which is still going on thanks to his bankruptcy shenanigans despite him getting a default judgement years ago.

    10. Musk_bought_trump on

      Unfortunately social media has seen an explosion of the conspiracy theorist arseholes.
      My Facebook feed is littered with the dipshits, irrespective of how many I block.
      They have infested every aspect of the platforms.
      America is even worse, there they have nobheads like Alex Jones and senators like Majorie Taylor Greene hounding parents of school shooting victims accusing them of lying about. The death of their children.
      Pure scum, all of them.

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