Putins Besuch mit dem Präsidentenflugzeug in den USA wirft Fragen auf



  1. Lol don’t even act like you give a fuck or are surprised. We all fucking knew this was a sham. Russia has cheated the elections, infiltrated our government, and has the populace in the whims of their hands.

    And for all the holier than thou liberals, y’all been falling for this horse shit too. They know exactly how to manipulate y’all to not voting, not being as engaged, and to divide.

  2. Remember when both Trumps plane and an official Russian plane were side by side on the tarmac mid 2024.

  3. A pop-up ad that takes up the whole screen while in the middle of reading IS THE WORST!

  4. Ein_Tralfamadorian on

    Nothing to worry about it’s just Musk and Trump’s personal dildo arriving early.

  5. TheDuckFarm on

    Congress can issue arrest warrants without any involvement from the executive branch… just sayin’

  6. barktwiggs on

    Let’s give this plane the same amount of security that russia gives civilian airliners.

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