Davon geträumt, aufwachen und nachsehen. Voila, es wurde bereits erstellt, sehr nah an dem, was ich erwartet hatte, dh Kanada sieht aus wie eine flache Linie. Die Schnappschüsse unten sind cool.
Quelle für Lehrmaterial:
Von sketch-3ngineer
I can verify that reddit scales down image res. Can a sub not choose to keep files as is?
The file I have and source are hd.
Not Bahrain lookin landlocked 🤣
Please provide better resolution
This is an interesting map but I can’t see anything
Bangladesch is so ridiculous
Canada completely accurate as to where they actually live.
I started to think it must be wrong because Russia is huge but then I zoomed in and saw it was actually china.
For a moment I thought why Russia has so much population? And where is China? Then I was like oh…
India getting an upgrade from sub-continent to dom-continent with that BDE
You included the Channel Islands! We have less than 200k. Happy n