Großer Guinness-Raub: Britische Diebe stehlen Lastwagen mit 35.000 Pints

Von chuckleberryfinnable


  1. I was wondering why some lads where trying to sell kegs at the end of the road.

  2. Well look. Is it wrong to steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving family? No. And what if you have a large family is it wrong to steal a truck full of bread? And what if they don’t like bread they like Guinness? So instead of giving it to your family you sell it at a price that’s practically giving it away?

  3. Can’t wait to see the Brasic episode based on this – Vinnie and gang, boosting a lorry full of shtout for Cordie’s next wedding

  4. Flimsy_Candidate7219 on

    I wonder if it was a spur of the moment crime or has it been… brewing for a while

  5. It like young generation thieves got a pop up on Snapchat or Instagram – Jaysis Guinness is low supply today.

    *I made amazing plan for us to be rich, let’s steal Stout!

  6. Ambitious_Handle8123 on

    Gonna have to replicate what we did when sending Guinness across other third world countries in Africa. Reduce it to a syrup and send the essence. Way less attractive.

  7. Obviously your not drinking enough Guinness that there’s that much spare!

  8. singleglazedwindows on

    Yea this bangs of guerrilla marketing.
    I bet there’s no actual shortage and not a single pub has seen a prolonged shortage of pints. It’s just nonsense to get people talking about it. They invented fucking Arthur’s Day after all.

  9. Snorefezzzz on

    Remember the guys who stole a Heineken truck a few years back in Cork, I think. They got the truck towed in the middle of the heist.

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