Die Trudeau-Liberalen übertreffen die Kanadier im Jahr 2025 mit einer Reihe von Steuererhöhungen



  1. Ok_Currency_617 on

    Sweden has a 25% sales tax but low corporate taxes. Both to encourage business/investment and reduce consumption/pollution. A 30% flat capital gains tax encourages investment from the rich but reduces the incentive for the poor/middle class to invest (as compared to Canada).

  2. Well someone has to pay off all the Ukraine debt and the green slush fund theft.

  3. someguyfromsk on

    But hey, no GST on random shit for a few weeks!

    (which we will have to pay for someday…)

  4. Thank you, everyone who voted the disgrace in.

    Also, for all of you who never voted shame on you.

    Worst PM in canadian history, our once great country is a shell of its former glory.

  5. Crazy-Cook2035 on

    I have never seen a political party so out of touch with reality in my entire life. I am the definition of a moderate and I’m just sitting here like……… are these guys SERIOUS?

  6. Quirky-Relative-3833 on

    Don’t worry, be happy. Your wallet will balance itself. Happy new year🇨🇦

  7. Try_Happy_Thoughts on

    They have to make up for the billions lost on the GST/PST nonsense nobody really saved much with.

  8. robertomeyers on

    Truly like a kick in the nuts for every Canadian.

    As worth noting is not only the impact the carbon tax increase directly, but also transportation cost for food and other goods, causing more inflation pain.

  9. Which ones? The tax brackets appear to have increased (need to make a bit more to reach a higher bracket)

    Edit:ive only looked at bc combined, maybe my province is the only reason for this?

  10. canadianjacko on

    A ‘slew’ you say? So carbon tax, a small increase in payroll and alcohol tax that is increasing due to being tied to inflation. Hardly a slew of taxes….

  11. Low-Celery-7728 on

    They are begging to be fired at this point. But, WHY? What is the goal of this?

  12. JimmyTheJimJimson on

    Toronto Sun.

    Take all this with a *massive* grain of salt.

  13. allpixelated6969 on

    Don’t forget the future tax of deficits, not only do you pay more now you will also pay more later!

  14. MmmBeefyMeatCurtains on

    Better roll up our sleeves like trudeau. We have more work to do.

  15. throwawayjkdismymain on

    At least I’m getting a tax vacation and maybe a $250 cheque!!! What a great government! Giving us some of our tax money back but then increasing taxes 😊

  16. More taxes on top of taxes, yet our social services are declining for Canadians.

  17. Adventurous_Ideal909 on

    You cannot tax a populace into prosperity. Thats not how it works.

  18. MayorQuimby1616 on

    Have to pay for all of those $250 cheques and GST holidays. Oh, and all the rest of the massive government waste he approved.

  19. Only three (not a slew) of tax increases are in the story. The first is the carbon tax which may or may not be negative depending upon what you read, to people who are lower income. Certainly it’s an increase to people that earn enough money who can afford it. It is intended to help with climate change. I can’t say whether or not it does nor can anyone else without more time (years) to see what it’s impact is. The second is an increase in the CPP fees that goes along with an increase in the CPP paid out the people who retired. It will benefit the people who are paying in the long run. The third is an increase in alcohol taxes which it says is actually a lower increase then what was intended, 2% versus 5%. So while it’s an increase, it is a lower increase than what was intended and it won’t affect anyone who doesn’t buy alcohol. This is a typical right wing scare tactic news headline by the Sun newspaper.

  20. adamandsteveandeve on

    Just move to Quebec and you can actually get that money spent on you

  21. unforgettable_name_1 on

    Yet people will still advocate for voting for Trudeau or Singh over Pierre. I swear these people must be living off of the system because the rest of us are being drained dry from these wallet vampires.

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