Karte von „Groß-Afganistan“, die inmitten der Grenzspannungen mit Pakistan in Kreisen der Taliban und Afghanistans geteilt wird. Die Karte umfasst auch einige Regionen Indiens und Irans.

Von United_Pineapple_932


  1. DefiantZealot on

    Subtract the Indian parts, Balochistan, Sindh, West Punjab, and Pakistani Kashmir from this map and it’d be more accurate representation of “Greater Afghanistan”.

  2. According-Try3201 on

    nice. lets all invade our neighbors and human civilization’s fate is sealed

  3. DukeofJackDidlySquat on

    What’s with the bit in the east that looks like Florida?

  4. KingKaiserW on

    I remember some American Lib saying about how “Oh because the British Empire took areas of Afghanistan, they just see the Pakistan controlled areas as a continuation of British Colonial rule 🥺🥺”

    DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS. Do not show them sympathy, they aren’t asking for a wikkle slice of Pakistan and being a white college teen who cares about colonialism, idiots.

  5. DistanceCalm2035 on

    why not partition both afg and pakistan, give the persian dominated north to iran, or split between iran and tajikistan, let pashtuns and baluchs have their own country, and give the indic peoples to india.

  6. __Quercus__ on

    Interesting choice of cities. Most are associated with the Silk Road, and peaked 1000 years ago. For example, Merv was possibly the world’s largest city before the Mongol Invasion of 1221. It never recovered and is now deserted.

    Also, the names for the Indian cities (Cawnpore, Benares, Bombay) are a generation or three out of date.

  7. RageQuitNZL on

    You only have to see a few of the videos of the fighting on the boarder to know that Afghanistanis is being extremely overly ambitious with this

  8. They can’t get all of this,Pakistan is far superior (unless islamists in Pakistan join them,but it would still be hard)

  9. I’ve literally seen this map this morning in wikipedia. It’s just the map of the durrani empire with the taliban flag.

  10. This kind what happens when your new government is just formed of former soldiers and warlords.

  11. At this point, why not just restore the Durrani Empire? It’s a way better alternative, it’s best and most based Afghanistan, and it’s not the Taliban!

    I’m gonna start a petition and a kickstarter, together we can do this!

  12. TheSentiantMeme on

    Recently, I’ve become pretty engrossed on the topic of Historic Khorasan and Al Hind region, the intersection between West, South, and Central Asia. My recent interest in the Persian Empire stimulated this and it’s been so intriguing. Looking for new literature on the topic.

  13. AaronicNation on

    I would bet that the Taliban controlling even more of the Earth’s land surface is virtually everybody’s wish for 2025.

  14. No one gets along with afganistan. They have been a throne in the side of the powers that be going back into prehistory. United States pulled out and they imediatly have disputes with thier neghbors

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