Suchoi Su-25 Frogfoot der 299. Taktischen Luftfahrtbrigade wirft gelenkte raketengestützte Bomben AASM Hammer gegen russische Ziele ab. Aufgrund der Nähe zur Front ergreift der Pilot Gegenmaßnahmen. Veröffentlicht am 31. Dezember 2024

Von Hotrico


  1. The Su-25 is performing at its highest lethality in the war so far, with rocket-assisted guided bombs allowing for relatively low-altitude launches that are perfect for the Su-25. For the first time since the beginning of the war, the 299th Tactical Aviation Brigade can strike the enemy not only with firepower, but with precision and lethality

  2. Why does everyone say the A-10 is useless in a modern conflict when it’s a better aircraft than the Su 25, which Ukraine can keep flying missions with?

  3. got-trunks on

    Watching so many FPV vids in the last years it’s easy to forget how quickly jets cover ground haha.

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