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It’s almost like when the streaming services enshittify themselves, people aren’t as willing to pay for the (lack of) convenience people flocked to them for …
By Sean Burch:
*[…] The average U.S. citizen spent $42.38 on streaming services each month — which comes out to $508.56 over the course of a full year — according to a December report from Reviews, an internet, streaming, and mobile-focused research organization.*
*[…] A few other takeaways from the report, which you can also see in the graphic above:*
*The average American has two streaming services and watches nearly four hours of content each day.*
*And 26.53% of Americans share at least one streaming subscription with their friends or extended family.*
*The decline in streaming spending comes as ad-supported streaming hit a record high in 2024.*
*A record 43% of streaming subscriptions were ad-supported by the end of Q3, according to Antenna, a market research firm. And between July and September, 56% of new streaming subscriptions were ad-supported — indicating Americans are opting for the cheaper option, even if they have to sit through a few commercials.*
Expect another decline in 2025. Im done with corporate media.
Most people are just going back to torrenting, rather than paying sky high prices for meh services that cost more than cable did and keep going up in price every 6 months.
I didn’t think I would, but I canceled 4 of them. They just are t worth the price
Thanks to rising prices, splitting of available media to 5-6+ services and just generally shitty content while any good content gets canceled early, I have just gone back to pirating again. My unraid Plex server has everything me or my friends need.
I continue to pay Apple Music because I still feel I that $15/month for 6 people family plan is worth it for the content and ease of listening.
You either sell it to me outright, with no DRM, or I will simply take it. No I’m not paying to watch ads and no, I’m not renting your shitty movies and shows. Everything I download is *mine*.
That’s my business model. Embrace it or don’t. I get what I want, either way.
If it was easier to cancel, that number would be higher. Remind me in a couple of years.
Stremio with torrentio is my go to. I can watch anything from any service with a 5 dollar fee.
‘Oh no; people are spending less on our services! How can we fix it?’
‘ Let’s raise prices, and charge extra to avoid ads.’ !!
The seven seas are calling
Not just Americans. I am pretty sure that the same will apply for the EU.
Most will probably opt for two parallel subscriptions. I keep now only one alive and switch from time to time as necessary.
Honestly I think most of the comments here are missing the mark. Streaming is up it’s just that more people are opting for ad supported streaming vs paid or higher tier paid subscriptions.
Oh right, this is Reddit where people read a headline then make up their own echo chamber reasons for it.
* Split all available content across so many platforms nobody possibly knows them all
* Make each platform cost a significant amount and be sure to increase rates by an absurd amount yearly
* Enshitify your platform and reduce the quality of 1st-party content
* Rotate 3rd party content between platforms frequently as to confuse viewers where content exists and to force users to other platforms when moved mid-season
* Reduce your available library size frequently and never show more than 10-20 options to a viewer
* Bonus points if content in the “new” category is still in the “new” category four months later
* Actively hate your audience by butchering fan-favorite media and ranting on social media
Lack of quality programs, and every few weeks the prices go up.
I had subscribed to Netflix for 6-7 years, but when they started raising the prices every few months while zero quality content. I canceled my subscription. I find more and better quality content on Tube and its free.
Because we can’t afford to have them all we just pick the ones that we like things from
Streaming services are more expensive and worse than in the past. The competition is completely free, when the free services get better each year and the paid ones get worse and cost more, the math is easy.
Meanwhile they spent 11% more on cable…
Prices went up across the board and content continues to fracture. At this rate I’ll be pirating all my content by years end.
Whatever MBA decided in their infinite wisdom that people would get rid of high price cable only to replace it with 40 apps was a moron. It is bad enough the likes if YouTubeTV is the new cable system where we pay for the transport. No pesky network to maintain.
Maybe they should hire some more unqualified but box checking shitty writers? Maybe ruin some more golden goose franchises with culture war “After School Special” preaching? Maybe that will turn things around?
I need to learn to torrent. I only haven’t because streaming is so easy and risk free, but they’re out of control.
I canceled all my video streaming services a few years back, spent the next couple years just watching free stuff here and there along with my own collection of shows. I just signed back up for Netflix in November so I would have an easy way to watch some shows on my phone as I was going into the hospital for surgery. I just canceled it a couple days ago and signed up for Crunchyroll to binge some anime I haven’t kept up with in the last 5 years.
My current strategy is to never have more than two streaming services and to just rotate through trying out the different services. I’m fine with missing the shows they air weekly where they release week to week and just subscribing once the show is done and I can just binge it before moving on to something else.
This American’s Plex usage went up 1000% while streaming services have fallen to 0%. This shift came into play when they got stupid with pricing.
Increased prices = wait for the content I want to watch, subscribe. (auto cancel)
Subscribe to one at a time.
Rinse and Repeat on other services.
i order carry out from pizzahut like once a month, they always offer a free month of 3 differant streaming services, i just sub to whichever one they offer
Kanopy & Hoopla are the best
Cancelled all our streaming including our music in 2024 … Feels great…home servers are an awesome little investment . Actually found ourselves buying more DVDs and saving them to the server