[Newest Version] Staaten, in denen Pornhub ab dem 1. Januar 2025 den Zugriff sperren wird

Von Convillious


  1. sonik_in-CH on

    They’re blocking websites like that now???

    Isn’t the us supposed to be the land of the free??

    Just asking as a European (🇨🇭🇮🇹)

    Edit: so I figured out thanks to some kind souls that those states passed a new legislation that porn websites have to verify the age and pornhub didn’t want o deal with having all that data since it’s a huge security risk so they’re blocking themselves

  2. Windhawker on

    Burn the land, boil the sea 🎵
    You can’t take PornHub from me 🎶

  3. hunkyleepickle on

    Has the actual process for age verification been clarified in these states? Is it just a button confirming age, or are they asking for actual ID. Either way the US is fuuuucking weird these days😂

  4. fcknbroken on

    Is PH so popular in USA? Because it’s so “clean” compared to any other porn site and it makes no sense for me to ban specially PH

  5. Horror-Layer-8178 on

    Do they require more verification to look at porn then to buy a gun?

  6. bareboneschicken on

    The question is does the state have legitimate grounds to mandate this material be accessible only by adults.

  7. Comfortable-South397 on

    If only there was another place on the world wide web that had pornography…

  8. So why the fuck are americans always going on about freedom and shit ?

  9. KnowTheLord on

    Good. Needs to be banned in more places. This is a good start, however.

  10. Key_Passenger_2323 on

    These laws are such a waste of taxpayers money, when it can be bypassed with 2 clicks in any VPN app, not to mention that xvideos, hamster, redtube and many other sites available without any restrictions

  11. GoRangers5 on

    Because PornHub doesn’t want to be regulated to stop minors from consuming it.

  12. Test_The_Theory_562 on

    Xnxx is way less cookies and data intrusive anyway

  13. Talibanization of the US. They wanted to get rid of them in Afghanistan but they have their own Christian talibans. If no one stand up it will be like Afghanistan in 20 years

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