Sein Name ist „Was jetzt?“

Von BoxofSlice


  1. Doodles are utter eejits. Mine got lost/ran away three times. Hope they find the good boy.

  2. Soft-Affect-8327 on

    You post the ad for the name but not details about who to contact.

    I want that doggo found.

  3. bigolebucket on

    Barack means apricot in Hungarian. As a Hungarian-American this has always amused me.

  4. im_on_the_case on

    We had a cat we named Saddam that arrived during the first Gulf War. Very amusing when the mother would go out and roar his name to come in the house.

  5. Mad-farmer on

    Found out while driving through the midlands that Irish people love Barack so much they named a service station after him.

  6. Snorefezzzz on

    Had a “Kofi” , as in Kofi Annan up until early this year 🥰 . Why did you hide the phone number ? For the privacy of a person who shared their number so that they could be contacted in case their dog is found ? FML

  7. OfficerOLeary on

    I always giggle at ‘doodle’. It’s a word that meant something else in our slang out west.

  8. Potential_Method_144 on

    OP is covering a phone number on a public poster for finding a missing dog. Great work OP

  9. Michael_of_Derry on

    I sold a car to a lovely looking lass and she had a son she kept calling Annie. I think it was short for Anakin aka Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader.

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