Prozentsatz der europäischen Erwachsenen geht mindestens 30 Minuten pro Tag zu Fuß oder radelt

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  1. You need the inftrastructure to enable it first.

    I lived abroad for 10 years, and cycled and walked everyday. Never thought of owning a car back then.

    When I moved back I tried to do the same here and had too many close calls to death. I sold my bicycle and bought a car.

    Now I just attempt to walk in the countryside, although even there I am “fired” away by hunters and cars speeding through recently tarmaced farm roads. .

  2. MediterraneanCunt on

    Must be incoincorrect. Needs to be lower, no? I walk to work most days, and it’s a ghost town at the sidewalks compared to the train of cars I walk past

  3. At-this-point-manafx on

    We remove all infrastructure we have for it.

    Reduce cars, build the infrastructure and make more bike and bus lane and pavements. And you will get that number up.

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