Volkswagen hat Standortdaten von 800.000 Elektroautos offengelegt. Das Leck umfasste in einigen Fällen auch E-Mails, Adressen und Telefonnummern von Fahrern, berichtet Der Spiegel.


  1. I studied connected and autonomous vehicles a bit during undergrad and we had a PhD candidate come talk to us who did his BS & MS at the University of Munich and was at U of M for his PhD.

    He developed an app for his MS that didn’t actually do anything except record and transmit your speed and steering wheel angle. He put it on the BMW app store and ended up with like 1500 people downloading it. It prompted you to allow the app to “use your speed and steering wheel angle data”. He could overlay that information onto google maps and figure out where you drove almost instantly.

    When he told BMW about this they just said “thanks for letting us know” but didn’t even pull his app from the store, he had to do it himself.

    I don’t really trust tech companies to keep my data secure, so I CERTAINLY don’t trust auto manufacturers to keep it secure.

  2. Resident-Positive-84 on

    So I am sure there will be massive fines and repercussions right? RIGHT?

    No your car will get a 30 day subscription to a fraud monitoring company instead.

  3. smooth_and_rough on

    The bug is a feature.

    If government forces the population to buy EVs then government controls that switch.

  4. PainInTheRhine on

    One of the key parts of GDPR is requirement to only gather data that is actually needed and only to keep it until it is not needed anymore. So what valid reason does Volkswagen have to gather and keep location data and personal data of drivers? Fine them until they squeal

  5. The biggest problem is the location data which is collected as well. 
    Everyone knows when you are at a specific place.
    At least the Volkswagen C-suit is affected as well.

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