Russland schwört Vergeltungsmaßnahmen gegen „Zensur“, da Telegram Propagandakanäle blockiert


  1. Russia has vowed to retaliate after Telegram blocked its state media channels in numerous countries, according to Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. The messaging app barred access to Russian broadcasters including RIA Novosti, Izvestia, RT, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Channel One, Rossiya 1, NTV, and more have been blocked in European countries including Poland, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, and the Czech Republic, as reported by the Kyiv Independent.

    Zakharova called it a “campaign of repressions against Russian media outlets.” Newsweek reached out to Telegram for comment on Telegram, and the Russian government for comment via email. Why It Matters Telegram’s blocking of Russian state media channels in Europe is significant because the social networking app has played a crucial role in the Russia-Ukraine war, as it is popular in both countries and has been a news source for millions. As one of the five most downloaded apps in the world, Telegram continues to be a source of news regarding the war and its escalation for millions globally, and restrictions on Russian state media may lead to changing opinions and coverage of the war as a result.

    What To Know While it is not clear if Telegram’s blocking of Russian state media channels is spread across the entirety of the EU, the channels are inaccessible in at least seven countries. Russia has not said specifically how it plans to retaliate following the ban but has said that it will “certainly respond to these and other similar attacks on Russian media outlets” and that they “reserve the right to implement symmetrical retaliatory measures.” This is not the first time Russian state media has been blocked on the continent, as the EU previously suspended the broadcasting activity of four outlets including the Voice of Europe, RIA Novosti, Izvestia and Rossiyskaya Gazeta in May.

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  2. Awwwwwww… If there wasn’t a more succinct pot meet kettle moment.

    Enjoy a taste of your own medicine!

  3. Universal_Anomaly on

    Propagandists rely on being able to reach their target audience.

    It’s the same as trolls trying to mock those who mute them: if they’re pushed out of public discourse they’re powerless.

  4. what’ll it be this time, another ridiculous fine with a made up number?

    Just wait until Russia taps the unregulated crazy-guy-yelling-on-street-corner industry

  5. Fake_William_Shatner on

    “We’re going to inundate Xitter with far right screeds and rants!”

    Knock yourselves out guys.  Will anyone notice?

  6. cepheidvariable on

    So they’re doing it to prevent more Ukrainian activity on the platform? Is that something that will work? Hope not.

  7. Angry_Penguin_78 on

    Understandable. It’s not okay to block all of a country’s media outlets. /s

  8. RoboNeko_V1-0 on

    According to 404media, these propaganda outlets intentionally sprinkle in CSAM as a means of luring Twitter users to their distribution channels.

    So frankly, Russia can get fucked. They’re enabling child abuse.

  9. louisa1925 on

    Russia interference needs to be crushed. I support this message. I wonder what Telegrams opinions on protecting peoples use of medications is. If the owners of Telegram are good people, I might consider joining up.

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