Ein Drogendealer, der sagte, er bräuchte Sonnenbänke, um die Narbe zu verbergen, wurde wegen Körperverletzung im Wert von 60.000 Euro abgewiesen


Von lifeandtimes89


  1. Dingofthedong on

    Can anyone confirm what is the consequence if he doesn’t pay?

    My understanding is that he’ll (eventually) be putbefore the court, and ordered to pay. Then when he doesn’t, he will eventually be sent to prison, (for contempt iirc), therfore expunging what’s owed. Then released because his sentencing offence was non violent and the prisons are overcrowded.

    I mean there won’t be an attachment order to his welfare, and sheriffs aren’t going to seize his assets?

  2. ParaMike46 on

    Another unemployed drug dealer living in the hearth of the City Centre while I am struggling commuting from miles away to work.

  3. “….had to resort to using a sunbed, as his local pub wouldn’t let him in because of his small scar.”

    How many people had to waste how many hours, and how much taxpayers money, for this nonsense?

  4. upontheroof1 on

    Im sick and tired of cunts like this constantly sticking in bullshit claims.

  5. Love that the headline is always €60,000 claim. That’s just the most the Circuit Court can award for a personal injuries case. If anyone involved thought it was worth 60k it would have been put in the High Court.

  6. Migeycan87 on

    “Mr Kehoe said as Brophy’s claim was alleging that DCC failed to provide a safe premises and he had carried out damage to the same premises he was effectively “asking the court to protect Mr Brophy from the likes of Mr Brophy””


  7. BigDickBaller93 on

    “said he had to resort to using the sunbeds as his local pub wouldn’t let him in because of his small scar.”

    What a melter

  8. Stock_Pollution_1101 on

    Is this a real story? How could this bs even make it to court

  9. IntentionFalse8822 on

    Solicitors and Barristers who take bullshit cases like this should be struck off.

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