Der Cholesterinspiegel bei amerikanischen Erwachsenen ist unter anderem aufgrund des verstärkten Medikamentengebrauchs gesunken

Von eortizospina


  1. FansFightBugs on

    So, that shows that cholesterol lowering pills lower cholesterol?

  2. SteelMarch on

    What exactly does age standardized mean? Is this for individuals older than 65? A blog post from harvard shows that statin usage is not at all that simple and is heavily based on individuals 65+ in which the number is far greater than 40% even in 2008. Along with it varying by gender.


    Even preventing death, these reductions don’t necessarily mean an improvement in life quality. Unhealthy cholesterol level changes seem more as though due to market changes than anything else. As statin usage has remained focused on older individuals.


    Looking at the source age standardized means across all ages over the age of 25, this seems very misleading. To claim that statins are the direct cause of this change. It feels like this would have made a lot more compelling case if it included only individuals over 65. Even then I’m not sure the results would be there.

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