Über 1.000 Menschen mit Grippe im Krankenhaus, wie HSE-CEO sagt: „Das System steht zweifellos unter Druck“


Von Important_Farmer924


  1. I mean it’s not like it happens every 12 months or so. They couldn’t have possibly have predicated this

  2. problematikkk on

    The plague going around this year seems to have people utterly flattened, the muscle aches with it are no joke, and if you’re somebody with bad lungs/immune system/medically frail it’s worse.

    That said, this happens to varying degrees with various infectious culprits every single year. Fool me once etc. Would be great if we had any capacity.

  3. Diska_Muse on

    The hospital system has been under pressure every year over winter for at least the last decade.

    The real story here is not why it’s under pressure now, it’s why the government has consistently failed to address the issue.

  4. CommanderSpleen on

    In other news: Water is wet.

    Seriously, when is the system not under pressure?

  5. SteAndy6493 on


    People catch the flu in Winter, more on this later.

  6. Static-Jak on

    Whatever this strain is, it’s way worse than what I’ve seen in a long time, if ever.

    I’ve never known so many people personally who are currently in hospital on oxygen.

  7. Swimming-Bake-7068 on

    I’m old enough to remember when this was used as a justification for a nationwide lockdown where cancer treatments were stopped

  8. Cfunicornhere on

    Tbh I thought it would have been way worse but… this is the same story every single year for as long as I can remember.. feign panic and then it’s all suddenly gone.

  9. I really wish wearing masks was normalised here like it is in other countries. I’ve had all my jabs but I am currently in bits in bed. All viruses showed a decrease when Covid prevention measures were in place.

  10. Dangerous-Shirt-7384 on

    Very frustrating that we spent €23.5 billion on healthcare last year and we still get the HSE on telling us to stay away from our hospitals any time that any bug or illness is going around.

    My wife is a nurse and my mother was a nurse and midwife and they will tell you that the problem with the HSE is that there are too many people going around Irish hospitals with clipboards and spreadsheets doing admin work. My wife said that her unit has 21 staff nurses and they have 5 full time admin staff who spend most of the day sitting down watching the nurses running up and down the corridor attending to patients.

    That’s where our budget is going. We need to gut the HSE of the dead weight and train nurses and health workers to do the admin side of things instead of packing our health service up with admin workers and middle managers who do nothing for patients.

  11. SeaworthinessOne170 on

    Lying off on the couch here….its coming in on me. I can feel it.
    The wife was sick before me. So she passed it on. Worst present ever

  12. Still so weak and exhausted three weeks in. I always had the flu vaccine free from my GP but the HSE denied this year. I appealed, but got the flu almost right away. This is my second go around this season with it and it’s no more fun for being familiar.

  13. Neverstopcomplaining on

    If people would mask when they are sick it would reduce the spread. But Gid Forbid Irish people would do something that’d have people ” lookin at you”. I can’t believe this didn’t become the norm after Covid. And yes masks DO prevent the spread of flu.

  14. sureyouknowurself on

    I’m getting the impression this flu variant is evading this years vaccine?

    Anyone with better knowledge that can confirm that?

  15. IntentionFalse8822 on

    They are already lining people up on trollies and chairs along the corridors of University Hospital Limerick. What will they do if this gets bad? Popup tents in the carpark?

  16. Compunerd3 on

    In E.D with my wife for gallstones over this weekend and holy shit the amount of influenza cases rolling in. Ambulances backed up out the back with patients, waiting room totally full, E.D itself is full with trolleys and office chairs of patients.

    Now not all of these are influenza cases but the impact of the influenza cases coming into E.D means a backlog fills up quickly and the queues grow longer.

    My heart goes out to the E.D staff, they are flat out, some not even taking a break for a drink.

    Many are elderly with fluid trapped in their lungs, some are really young too where antibiotics aren’t clearing the dose for them after a few weeks.

  17. This is nothing new. Regardless of its Covid/the fluu. Hospitals are being run on bare essentials, underpaid, and understaffed . I remember my dad giving out about this each year as a kid in the 80s. Nothing has changed.

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